Tuesday 2 September 2014

Hello, blogsphere!


My name is AIKA ZULAIKHA BINTI AZARUDDIN I'm 16 years old. I study at SMKBR. I go to school with my friend. I have seven siblings. Let me tell you about myself. I am a lazy girl but it happens sometimes only. I see myself as a simple girl - not beautiful, clever, cute or anything good else. I am quiet and shy too. I am weak in English and Mathematics. But the most important thing is I am not a naighty or evil girl.

My father name is AZARUDDIN BIN MOKTAR and my mother name is ZURIAWATI BINTI ABD RAHMAN. My father word as factory workers and business man. He haved business sell satay in cheng and tanjong minyak jaya. He hhave two employee. And my mother just housewife.

Sometimes I like to laugh without any reason. In class, I like to befriend Hadi because he is a funny boy. I sit next to Aliah.